Wednesday, February 11, 2009

There are times you just have to try it, commit to it, and stick with it to get results

I know we have all uttered the phrase, "I wish I would have done that sooner."

I said those words recently. For over 10 years I battled with contacts. Every year I went in to the eye doctor hoping that technology had gotten better. I was hoping I could see with contacts as well as I could with my glasses. I would get the eye exam. I would try the contacts for a couple weeks and then I would stop trying (I didn't try very hard because I just figured they should work without me having to do really anything). I couldn't see as well with the contacts as I could with my glasses. I would stop trying and I would think to myself, "next year the technology will be better."

About nine months ago I decided to change the pattern. I committed to wearing contacts at all cost. I was going to take the time to go to the exam, make the multiple trips into the doctor's office to get checked and re-checked no matter how long it took. I was going to wear my contacts during the day, night, at work, for play, etc. If 125 million people in the world can wear contacts (according to Wikipedia), then so should I.

It wasn't easy. It didn't happen in a couple days. I didn't enjoy the process. But now I am very happy I stuck with it. Now I really enjoy the freedom contacts provide.

I wish I would have done it sooner.

You may be asking why I am writing about this on my TempWorks blog. This has nothing to do with TempWorks or things going on at TempWorks.

Actually it does.

Quite often I talk with people about technology and advantages of our latest version of our products. These customers are hoping with every passing year technology will be better. They are hoping this newer technology will improve their staffing company's needs. Many times they find out it makes sense to do it sooner rather than later for many reasons. But converting data, installing software, working out the work flow and new processes aren't easy. They take time, money, and a lot of effort.

Make the commitment. It is worth it.

If you have questions about TempWorks technology, please feel free to contact me. I can help. I want to help.

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